
Product Photography

There is so much out there to get documented for someone needing a picture. This could be the high stress of a wedding, maybe a landscape or travel, and the list can go on. One advantage of product photography is that you get a chance to think and then take the picture

Product Photography

When your present employer finds out that you are a product photographer, you got it; they ask if you could take some pictures. So that is what I did above for an upcoming show.

My setup was using white paper on a roll for the background and then placing the rolls about 8 feet away from the back of the roll. This time, instead of flash, I used 4 continuous lights. The significant advantage of constant light is that I can see where the light is and make adjustments if necessary. The other benefit of this project was color. The color had to match. With my background in the printing industry, I do a process that we call ICC profile. What is that? Make it simple it's a process to make sure everything is calibrated from camera to post-processing to print. I use X-Rite Color check for this process.

Why 4 lights? I used two of them to light the back of the paper to make it white. With no light, it would have been dark gray. Two to light the back even. The other two, I used one for the backlight of the roll and the other to light the front.

After taking the pictures of the single rolls, it was time to put them together. The advantage of the single is that it gives the client multiple ideas and uses how they want. In this case, they are using both single rolls and various rolls. I know because I am working with them on an advertising project.

Product Photography

It’s that time of the year. Football season is over, and rerun’s on the TV. The weather is not pleasant. It’s that weekend, and for me, time to work with the camera indoors. Last week, I took products from our home and began practicing and taking pictures to update my profile and update my skills.

Product Photography

Product Photography

I played with high key, gels, jewelry, dishes, and so on. Using a two-light setup, I used a softbox to make the white background for the hi-key, and another softbox as the key light slightly camera left. I brought in some more diffusion by using a 5 light right reflector using the diffusion. When all was said, I like the picture of my Bose the best, not as a hi-key but as the above. I took the high key in Photoshop and cut out the headphones. Then I added my background that I liked. The Final is what you see.

I had questions about what I use for my photography. I mostly use my Canon EOS R. Lens; in this case, it was a Tameron 90mm macro on a stand. Lights are Godox.

I can’t wait for it to warm up. I have some new plans for my photography.