
Making a New Promo

I have been having a lot of fun with photography and will continue to. I am also having fun with video, and part of that is learning Adobe Premiere and After Effects. Between my camera and iPhone, I have been learning a alot. One of the projects i wanted to do for a long time was a promo of my business. Finally got at it and had a great time learning Adobe After Effect. Here is what I came up with, and it is now my main page as you enter my website.

I have other ideas, and I continue playing and learning videos. Stay tuned for more videos. Today, they say video is hotter but hanging a video on your family room wall is not possible, at least not today. Being a Freelance photographer is fun you can do just about anything.

Product Photography

It’s that time of the year. Football season is over, and rerun’s on the TV. The weather is not pleasant. It’s that weekend, and for me, time to work with the camera indoors. Last week, I took products from our home and began practicing and taking pictures to update my profile and update my skills.

Product Photography

Product Photography

I played with high key, gels, jewelry, dishes, and so on. Using a two-light setup, I used a softbox to make the white background for the hi-key, and another softbox as the key light slightly camera left. I brought in some more diffusion by using a 5 light right reflector using the diffusion. When all was said, I like the picture of my Bose the best, not as a hi-key but as the above. I took the high key in Photoshop and cut out the headphones. Then I added my background that I liked. The Final is what you see.

I had questions about what I use for my photography. I mostly use my Canon EOS R. Lens; in this case, it was a Tameron 90mm macro on a stand. Lights are Godox.

I can’t wait for it to warm up. I have some new plans for my photography.


It's not a photo because you use photoshop. That is what we read and hear, which is fine; that's someone's opinion and not mine. What photoshop did for me is use my imagination that I could never draw or make. With my recent travels to Youngstown, Ohio, I went to visit the Lanterman's Mill. I was here a few years ago, and this time I wanted to create something different—a different version of the Mill that no one else has. I wanted a nighttime version that had this winter feeling. It was late afternoon, and like always, I look at where the light was coming. I saw it, and in my head, this will be my moonlight. I wanted the sky in the picture, and with it being mostly cloudy, this will be easy to change out the clouds to stars in Photoshop with sky replacement. Next was to look at the angles and find what will work the best. I came up with this.

Lanterman Mill  Youngstown,Ohio

Lanterman Mill Youngstown,Ohio

Now time to work with this idea in Photoshop and make it look a little more real. I thought to myself; I think I will use this picture as my greeting for Christmas. I did some dodge and burn, and if this were an accurate exposure at nighttime, the water would have been blurred. I added this in my final picture.

Merry Christmas copy.png

Some call this cheating; some call this fake. I call it art and using my imagination that Photoshop allows me to do. I like it, and that is what matters when it comes to Photography. Please get out and use your imagination and do it the way you want to do it. Merry Christmas Everyone