
Avenue of Angels

For us that live in the Valley, we know what this means. Downtown Appleton, WI. I have such memories of the downtown. I remember when I was young, taking the bus from Neenah, WI, to Appleton, WI, when it used to be known for shopping. Me, I hanged at the music stores. Then we had a family tradition on Christmas Eve, and we would go and see all of the decorations, including Appleton. So, where did the avenue of angels come from? Back in the day, with all of the shopping, College Avenue had angels on every poll and every intersection. It was so beautiful. Today they do a modification of this. Nothing is more pretty than seeing the angels in the snow. Enjoy this weekend, enjoy family and friends, and don’t forget to consider an angel or maybe two. Merry Christmas.

Chicago, Light and a bottle of Water

Back in Chicago to play with light at night time. I walked around the city of Chicago with our model and found this excellent light opportunity.

Playing with Light in Chicago. Behind the scene

Playing with Light in Chicago. Behind the scene

After looking at the situation, we took our model and placed her about 25 yards from the sign. When I set up for the light of the scene, I noticed the low light on her face. With the help of the Icelight, I was able to take care of that.

Final of our model and Chicago

Final of our model and Chicago

Never let a good thing go to waste. We took advantage of bottled water and pouring it on the ground to make a reflection. I find this amazing, something to think about when you are out there.



So there you have it: a city, light, and a bottle of water. You never know what you may come up with.