
Environmental Shooting

For those of you who follow my Facebook page, I said there would be more, and here is the more.

To keep up with your photography skills, it always helps to go to workshops to learn and practice. Plus, I love working with professional models. This was no different. With the help of @Robertsphoto in Indianpolis,In and our model Afton, the class was on an environmental shoot. This class was terrific, for we took pictures in a 10-yard diameter and made the best using lighting. In the above photo, when I was going through the shooting, I could not help thinking this was a teacher escaping her class for a bit of downtime. So I told her to pretend that she was holding a wine glass, for I added this in photoshop to get the image my mind was thinking. The above picture was a 3 light shoot.

If you saw where these pictures were taken, you would say how? It’s a simple look at the background and asks whether it will benefit. If it helps, if it does not, don’t show it. As you know, I love flash photography and have a lot of fun using it. In this case, we used from one light all the way to 3 lights and again in a very small area. That is one way to help with the background. Another is the angles of the picture; another is putting the background in focus or not. (you thought it was just pint and click :) ) I bet we had about 10 shots, and all we needed to do was look.

I can’t say enough about working with a model. For me, it allows me to use my creativity and wait for the moment before clicking. I am a big believer in education and learning. No matter how much you know, you can always learn more. I love workshops for two reasons. First, I get to see things live, and last, I get a chance to see other photographers and learn from them. Photographers are like campers. We love what we do and love to talk.

Senior High School Pictures

Well, it's soon going to be that time of the year again. Congratulations to all of this year's graduates. We wish you well in your adventures.

High School Senior

I had so much fun with this High School Senior, for I have done pictures before in the Bryan Arts and Education Center, but never a High School Senior picture. Well, that is what we did with this shoot. We started with what she likes, and that is music. With that said, we did some formal pictures. My photography is a little different than others; I like drama and make it look natural.

We started you got it on the stage. I did not like what I saw, so I did what I liked. Make a studio anywhere. This is where I use only flash to get what I want. I get rid of all of the ambient light. This setup for me, I can do just about anywhere. Aquilina is a teenager, and like any teenager, it was time for some fun.

This time I took advantage of the art center. I did somewhat I call normal pictures, but you got it, I wanted flash again and this time using some gels to spice things up a little. We then walked around the inside of the building and found another area that I thought would work

Who would thought you could get a picture like this on bleachers. One thing working with Aquilina, she could be a natural model. She would do different things with her poses, and I would shoot what I liked. Again, I like doing natural. I will give a little coaching and then let them do it. I feel it makes the picture connect more.

Today I notice that there are fewer Senior Pictures but more photographers. With all of the photographers out there, I wanted to be different. Yes, I enjoy the outdoor pictures, and I love the natural light, but I also really enjoy the ones you don't see every day. Now that things are getting back to somewhat normal, I am looking forward to the class of 2023. If you are interested, go to for information.

I look forward to working with you.

Chicago, Light and a bottle of Water

Back in Chicago to play with light at night time. I walked around the city of Chicago with our model and found this excellent light opportunity.

Playing with Light in Chicago. Behind the scene

Playing with Light in Chicago. Behind the scene

After looking at the situation, we took our model and placed her about 25 yards from the sign. When I set up for the light of the scene, I noticed the low light on her face. With the help of the Icelight, I was able to take care of that.

Final of our model and Chicago

Final of our model and Chicago

Never let a good thing go to waste. We took advantage of bottled water and pouring it on the ground to make a reflection. I find this amazing, something to think about when you are out there.



So there you have it: a city, light, and a bottle of water. You never know what you may come up with.