
Bird time

Most of the pictures I have been taking this year have been with my iPhone. However, with birds, I needed my Cannon R5 for the longer lens. I looked for great light and food for the birds to come. Found both and came up with this picture.


After looking at this, I wonder two things. What would it look like on a magazine cover?

Last, I wondered what it would look like as a painting. Using Photoshop AI I came up with the following.

What you can do with a single bird. I am thinking about having on canvas the painting of this bird. I like it as a painting. I'm looking forward to getting out more this year for more pictures.

Commercial Work

What is commercial work when it comes to photography? For me, it means anytime the work is used for advertising something. This may be a magazine, billboard, or maybe a web page. Since my start in photography, this is an area I have enjoyed. My style is more of a photojournalist like I do for weddings. I guess I like things that appear natural.

I was recently hired to take pictures for a company website. We sit down, and they tell me what they are interested in or have in mind. This could be done verbally, using Instagram pictures they have in mind. After I hear or see, I do what I think they are looking for. Let’s face it, competition is everywhere, and trying to get someone to buy from you may come from on professional picture. Your company is only as good as it looks, and I am sorry, the selfie will most likely not do it. Look at the picture below; what are they trying to sell?

Yes, if you said she was trying to sell her podcast, you would be correct, and I did my job by taking the vision of the podcast. She is not a professional actor, but by having her do what she was comfortable with (podcasting), I waited for moments and then took the pictures.

The reward (other than getting paid) is seeing your work in a magazine or on their web page. Maybe when you are driving and seeing your image on a billboard. That's the reward for me. I did my job, and hopefully, they are making money with the pictures they used. Over the years, I have done a lot of commercial work. I have done Medical, teaching, many products, Political campaigns, and companies. What's next? I don't know, but I look forward to whatever it will be. A boating campaign would be one that I would like to do sometime on my bucket list. I love water and boats or possibly do a vacation spot.

Covid in a small town

For a long time, I have been the photographer for the Wellness Matters done by Community Hospitals and Wellness Center. I love all of the assignments I have done, but you get that special one every once in a while.

When we got together to talk about this upcoming issue, about covid here in Williams County and the people behind it, I was all in. These people, for me, are heroes. They had no clue what they were getting into. But they did what they loved. Health Care.

Covid has affected all of us one way or another. Suppose you have not had a chance to read this issue; click on this link and hear from these hero’s themself. I learned so much that I did not know while taking the pictures. Thank you to all healthcare professionals; you are truly blessed at what you do.

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Headshots in the Medical Community

For about 4 years, I have had the honor to do headshots for the local medical community—the chance to meet the new medical personnel.

My setup is simple. I like to use two lights and gray background. Why gray? It, if needed, the gray. In post-processing, can be changed color that may require suite better. With this setup, I can shoot anywhere. When I mean, anywhere I mean it. During covid, we did it outside in the rain under a front entrance. I have done like the pictures above in a hallway. I have done it at people's homes. All I need is a space.

The reward is so fantastic for a photographer. To see your pictures in magazines, pamphlets, and yes, on the billboards. I think my wife gets sick of it when I say. Hey, that is one of my pictures. For me, I say I did the job that I was hired for.

Thank you to those who trust in me, and I look forward to more.