
Wild Life

I have always liked going out into the woods and seeing nature at its best. One advantage of being a Freelance Photographer is that you getings you enjoy, especially in a little of everything, to shoot the th and that is why I enjoy being a freelancer.

The Wolf

The wolf. It looks just like a dog and is so cute. Right. I don’t think I would want to pet him or her. I can’t remember my settings for this one other than I know I used my 100-400 lens. Try to get low and place the focus on the eyes. I kept my distance—time to move on to the next assignment.

New Me

Well, we are in the new year, and I said earlier that I would be changing my business. Well, sort of. In 2024, I am looking at doing more freelance photography, focusing on travel, commercial, senior, aviation, and macro photography. I am also using my iPhone more. This is a great camera. I always have it with me and don’t need to carry a 40lb bag with me all the time. Take the picture below.

Lisa and I went to a winery in Indiana. As I was walking, I saw these glasses and wondered how this would do in a picture. The iThe phone came out, and I set it up to make the picture I thought it would. I did do a little in Photoshop. Mostly cleaning food that was on the table, and that was it. The lighting was very low, and I used the table to rest the phone on to get the best still picture possible. So far this year, the only camera I have been using has been my iPhone for images and video. Video? yep that will be another post.

So long, Indiana, and onto the next city. They say the best camera is the one you have. So true.

Headshots in the Medical Community

For about 4 years, I have had the honor to do headshots for the local medical community—the chance to meet the new medical personnel.

My setup is simple. I like to use two lights and gray background. Why gray? It, if needed, the gray. In post-processing, can be changed color that may require suite better. With this setup, I can shoot anywhere. When I mean, anywhere I mean it. During covid, we did it outside in the rain under a front entrance. I have done like the pictures above in a hallway. I have done it at people's homes. All I need is a space.

The reward is so fantastic for a photographer. To see your pictures in magazines, pamphlets, and yes, on the billboards. I think my wife gets sick of it when I say. Hey, that is one of my pictures. For me, I say I did the job that I was hired for.

Thank you to those who trust in me, and I look forward to more.

First Look for Wedding's (How I did it)

First, looks are always exciting, and you never know what you will see when your photographer. For me, I don’t want to be the attention. It’s the bride and groom and their private moment. In this case, we set it up. I had the groom sit on a bench. I told him to think about his bride and this day. With that, when his bride gets into position, I would ask him to get up and go around the corner of the tree to see her for the very first time.


When I told him to move, I went way out with my 100-400 lens so that they would not hear me or see me. It’s their special time. My job now was to document it.

Next, I told dad to wait for 15 minutes and then come down to see his daughter for the first time.


There is always a special moment between a dad and his daughter.


First looks as I said before are special. It’s our job to document and stay out of it. Yes, a few tears came out of my eyes. It’s a special time even for the professional.