Started this one in Adobe Express for the layout and then went to Photoshop for some cleaning. Enjoy your day.
Started this one in Adobe Express for the layout and then went to Photoshop for some cleaning. Enjoy your day.
Happy Mother’s day to all of the moms out there.
Happy Mother's Day to all you great moms out there.
I was honored to take this family picture celebrating their 60's anniversary. Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned with it raining outside, so we did plan B. Shoot indoors during the celebration. Never forget to keep looking for the moments.
As you can see, this was not the best; this was just the family picture. But, no fear, I already knew I would take this in Photoshop and make it into a studio picture.
I don't know about you, but I feel it's something that I would print and hang on my wall. The celebration continues, and just like a wedding, I am always looking for the moments. I could not help myself when I saw this one Grandma and her Grandson. Tell me this will not be a special picture someday.
The customer loved them, and that is how I know I did my job. While a lot of Photoshop was done, I wanted to give them what they hired me to do. Sometimes you need to take that extra time.
It’s been some time since I have placed a post. I have been busy with things I can’t publish yet, and yes, I took some time off to enjoy our first cruise since 2019. We had a great time and lots of exciting pictures.
While waiting for my wife to get ready for the evening, I watched this tug watching us and thought I could use this picture. I love the way the water splashed over the boat. Then I wanted to find a saying that would match the scene. Yes, we got back to a few challenges—nothing new. But as the phrase say, Life goes on. So true.
Paul J Zeinert Business growing and making changes
Read MoreWishing you and your family a very Happy New Year.