It was DOWN AND UNDER in Bryan, Ohio. Today was authentic Australian Food. I was in Australia once and will always remember my experience with friendly people and my first Meat Pie. This was happening at Kora's today, and, by the way, a great lunch. I wanted to do a self-project. The project was to tell a story. Just like a book. It would be best to have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Now off the next city.
Happy Thanksgiving
I want to tale a moment and say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
Food Photography
While I find my photography within me, I continue to lean toward commercials. I would include food photography also in my portfolio. I have taken an interest and continue to learn this segment. The below picture I took while at an event in Ohio. I wanted to tell the whole story of that evening, and that also included the appetizers that were offered that evening. Using natural light and having it backlight, I began taking a few pictures from different angles, and in this case, I liked the above shot. Next was to find the right crop, and this is what I picked for cropping. I enjoy doing macro photography and enjoying shooting food.
In contrast, I am not a food preparation or artist. I am learning from others what is important and not. You can always learn if you care and then take what you learn and practice. Not once, but multiple times.
Food at the Winds in Montpelier,Ohio. ISO 800 F8 180
Adventure is so much fun because you never know where it will take you. As I get older so does my changes in photography. I am really enjoying the commercial side and headshots. But I am starting to enjoy others also like Macro, Aviation, Travel, and Nature. I am looking forward in sharing my adventure.
Fall and Senior High School Portraits
Now that school has started, and the colors are or will be changing. It’s always a busy time for high School Portraits or what we call Senior pictures. Everyone loves color, and for most photographers a busy time. Myself included.
Today I see this part of the business decreasing because possibly more photographers or parents don’t care about pictures like they used to. Whatever the reason is, I have seen a decrease.
For me, I like taking pictures that are different than anyone else. Take, for example, the above picture. This senior loved bowling and wanted that document. I agree you most likely would not hang this picture on the wall, which is why you also have traditional pictures.
One of my favorites and I have many, but one of them was when this senior wanted to know if I could make a picture of one of his favorite movies. So he showed me a picture of what he would like and the rest was having fun.
How about Sports. Yep, again something different.
Maybe it’s Music.
Whatever it is, we will do our best to document what you or your seniors love. We look forward to this year's seniors and more in the future. So to the seniors, enjoy your last year; it goes fast and memories forever.