
Food Photography

While I find my photography within me, I continue to lean toward commercials. I would include food photography also in my portfolio. I have taken an interest and continue to learn this segment. The below picture I took while at an event in Ohio. I wanted to tell the whole story of that evening, and that also included the appetizers that were offered that evening. Using natural light and having it backlight, I began taking a few pictures from different angles, and in this case, I liked the above shot. Next was to find the right crop, and this is what I picked for cropping. I enjoy doing macro photography and enjoying shooting food.

In contrast, I am not a food preparation or artist. I am learning from others what is important and not. You can always learn if you care and then take what you learn and practice. Not once, but multiple times.

Food at the Winds in Montpelier,Ohio. ISO 800 F8 180

Friday Fish Fry Florida Style

I love fish and especially seafood. Growing up in Wisconsin, we always looked forward to our Friday Fish Fry. In the area I grew up, it was mostly Perch and Haddock how I love my Perch. But in Florida, there is no Perch. Time for Red Snapper and what I call the Florida Fish Fry.

Red Snapper

Red Snapper

Outcomes the iPhone to take a picture for this blog. Like always, I look at the light. The light was coming from behind, which I like for this photo. I wish I had a reflector, but the only thing we had was black napkins that would not work. I had a blue shirt on. With all said, I did the best for what I had. Yes, a white napkin would have been great, but after all, I am on vacation. Now it's time for some Red Snapper.