mother nature

Winter Imagination

One of my favorite Holidays is coming. (I think I inherit this from my mother) At the beginning of the year, I had a few goals that I wanted to do in my photography. I wanted to be more creative and better with Adobe software. Well, this whole year, I have been working on both. I got inspired by this composite by watching a Holiday Special by Adobe.

It started with 3 adobe stock pictures that I blended into the main scene. The castle was one, and I cut it out. The snow with the trees and hill was the second, and third was the sky after blending everything in. I added one more cut-out. I needed a deer in this picture. I did a lot of color blending, and my final picture that once again was in my head.

I enjoy compositing and look forward to doing more. Regarding Adobe products, stay tuned; I have some more Holidays with different software coming this week.

Happy Mother's Day

I want to take this time to thank every mother out there. A job that is so hard but so rewarding. Happy Mother’s day.

Mother’s Day

I recently purchased a 15-35 wide-angle lens and wanted to get out and practice with it. So going to a local park, I went out to practice and came up with a photo for this day. The picture I came up with was the one I wanted. It is a composite because it was a cloudy sky that day, and the sky was boring. So I added the sky in Photoshop. Cloudy was great for the picture because it's a giant softbox of soft light that I like. Now onto the next picture.

Having fun with Composite

Having fun playing around with compositing. Composite is when you take two pictures or more and make it look like you intended this picture. I like to keep practicing. In this case, I took a stock photo of the lady. Then I looked at what I was thinking and found a stock picture of the woods. One thing that is important that light is coming from the same direction. It makes it look natural. Once I blended the two photos and matched the color. I thought it was missing something. Out came the brush and made some butterflies. Again matching color with the scene and light, the butterfly was next. Last, I felt it needed type. That was it, and I came up with something that I liked, but more importantly, I got some more practice using Photoshop.

Nature Final.jpg