
The Birds

About 6 months ago, I purchased the Canon R-5. I love it. I have been doing people primarily, and now I had a chance to do the animal eye detection on this camera. It did not let me down.

The Dominican Republic

When I travel and walkabout, I use the Aperture Priority setting at F5.6 with an ISO of 200-400. I use this because most of the time, when I am walking, it is daytime, and I will get the speed I need. I had fun with these birds. I call it birds in love. After all, its SPRING :)

The Wild Turkey with the Babies

There is an expression; the best camera is the camera you have in your hand. So true. While walking in the woods, I came upon this mama turkey and her little ones. While I did not have the camera that I would like, I did have my iPhone and video this experience. One thing about these little ones, they move fast, and trying to keep up with them was challenging for me. (I need some practice) After filming for about 3 minutes, it was time to take in Adobe Premier and make something that I could share. Sit back and enjoy.