
The Birds

About 6 months ago, I purchased the Canon R-5. I love it. I have been doing people primarily, and now I had a chance to do the animal eye detection on this camera. It did not let me down.

The Dominican Republic

When I travel and walkabout, I use the Aperture Priority setting at F5.6 with an ISO of 200-400. I use this because most of the time, when I am walking, it is daytime, and I will get the speed I need. I had fun with these birds. I call it birds in love. After all, its SPRING :)


I always felt that I lacked being creative in my photography. I love the technical side of photography, and my brain moves that way. For the past year, I have studied others' work and why I like it or am not too fond of it. I have joined Facebook groups to help, Instagram to get ideas, and so on. The best I found is doing compositing and understanding art. All those things that I was taught in High School are now making sense to me today. One person who is helping with the fundamental of art is Rikard Rodin. Richard makes compositing fun, and his teaching process has been great for me. Not only am I learning the basics of art but cool tricks in Photoshop.

The Woods

I watched a session on silhouettes. After watching, I went to stock photos and downloaded a wood scene. Now to make a silhouette. With the help of brushes, I came up with the idea. Now to make it look natural. That is where art and photography help. We know to get a silhouette, you need light. Light needs to be the backlight. Ok, it is done. Next was the shadow and shadow color. To make it real, you need to see what the scene gives you. Last, I wanted to add something to make it memorable: a bird, fog, and shadow of the horse. Yep all fake but fun art. How does this help my photography? First of all, it helps improve my creativity; second, understand what you are looking for. Last, it helps with your photoshop skills and knowledge and why you are making changes.