Fall is always a busy time for all of us, Portrait Photographers, and it is no different for me. This time our goal is to do formal pictures. We started out at a local park call Opdyke Park. The colors were all but gone, but they do have some exciting things. An old barn that they have events in, and I like this field that is in the area. While waiting for the Senior, I did a setup that I had in mind. The Barn is very dark, and I wanted to show sunrise. Out came three lights to create this. A key light that lights her up and the two lights in the background are the sun rays. Without them, it would have been totally dark.
Opdyke Park in the Barn
After a few pictures inside the Barn, it started to warm up, and the sun came out. Next was the field. Using the sun as a backlight, with help from her mom, I went with a reflector to bring life into her eyes.
Opdyke Park glow in the field
While scouting for this Senior, it was time to move to another park that was at a peak when it comes to color. Off to Bible Park.
Class of 2020 Senior Picture
It was time to have fun and let a Senior be a senior. Sometimes I would use flash, sometime I would use a reflector. Fall is so much fun for pictures, but you know, so are winter pictures not that I am looking forward to it, but hey, I am a photographer, and I like taking pictures in all of the seasons that we are given.