Photography is so much fun, but just like any other job when hired, it’s showtime or what I call the game is on. What does that mean? It’s about planning, and part of the planning is what am I trying to accomplish the day of the photo. What does the couple or in this case (family) want? Next is what is the story that I am going to tell. Am I going to tell the story of the scene that they are at, is it going to be about them. Do I want a loud story or a soft story? How do I want to tell the story?
A boy and fall
This first photo is one of my favorites that I did last week here In Bryan, Ohio. When you look at the picture, without my opinion, I think I know what you are thinking. For me, it’s about a two-year-old boy enjoying fall. My style is the soft look, for the most part. The fall color brings happiness. How do you get fall color when its 5:30 pm and cloudy and the area is blue in color? Those who follow me know I am not afraid of flash and out came two off-camera flashes with orange gels on it. The light you see in the back is one flash at full power. I also used a fill flash in front to light him up to look like it was sunset. With a little help from the parents, they began to throw leaves, and I waited for the moment. Sometimes a little luck help, and the expression was priceless. Having fun is what will give you the opportunity when it comes to young family pictures.
Dad and Son having fun
What is the story? It is about a happy time with Dad and Dad with his young son. Again it's obvious its fall, but where is the focus? It's on them. Again it is a style thing, but I am into people and not so much about scenery. Now there is time for that, but I believe if you're going to hang a picture on your wall, it's going to about the family and not fall. Fall adds the color. I am using the same setup with two flashes again to make it sunny.
Mom and Son during Fall
Ok, I got dad now; it was time for Mom. I am again waiting for the moment. What is the story? I love this teaching moment. Still using the same setup but a less fill light because I liked the backlight that was shining on them — again creating the sunset. As I said, we are in the woods, and it is dark and typical when we are in the dark or shade its really blue. Blue is not what I wanted in this picture or any of them today. What is this blue thing? Look at some of your photo's and does it look happy with oranges and red, or does it look dull or angry with a blue tint. WIth people, you want orange and red people, not blue.
Family at Fall
My last picture was I wanted to show the love, and when they walked on this bridge, I saw Mom and Dad together, and I thought, can you walk again? Why? I had a story in mind, and this story came to me as I looked at them. The two-year-old boy was a typical two-year-old. All he wanted to do is run. He did not want anything to do with sitting type pictures, knowing that I let him do his thing. Run, as far as mom and dad, I thought if they hold hands, it will make the story stronger.
Photography can be so much fun. At the same time, if you want to be a good photographer and not an average one, you need to know and work with just about every day a few things.
Where is the best light, and if it's not there, how can I get what I want?
What is the scene or what I call what the story is? Who is this story about?
If plan A does not work, what is plan B?
For all of this work, I need to know my camera and how to execute my ideas in my dreams. Most of the time you are going to get the opportunity, but is last less than second, and because of that, you better be ready,
Last, I want to be able to take pictures that an iPhone can't or how can I make the picture that the average person can not do.
Don't forget the story. I believe a good photo is all about that. Why do I like the photo? Is it because of all the technical things that went into the photo? To another photographer, that answer is most likely yes? TO an average person, they don't care. It may help enhance the picture, but they want to get sucked into the picture.
Have fun with your story.