Food Photography

New Me

Well, we are in the new year, and I said earlier that I would be changing my business. Well, sort of. In 2024, I am looking at doing more freelance photography, focusing on travel, commercial, senior, aviation, and macro photography. I am also using my iPhone more. This is a great camera. I always have it with me and don’t need to carry a 40lb bag with me all the time. Take the picture below.

Lisa and I went to a winery in Indiana. As I was walking, I saw these glasses and wondered how this would do in a picture. The iThe phone came out, and I set it up to make the picture I thought it would. I did do a little in Photoshop. Mostly cleaning food that was on the table, and that was it. The lighting was very low, and I used the table to rest the phone on to get the best still picture possible. So far this year, the only camera I have been using has been my iPhone for images and video. Video? yep that will be another post.

So long, Indiana, and onto the next city. They say the best camera is the one you have. So true.

Food Photography

The cool thing about photography is all the things you can document and let your mind shoot. While on vacation aboard a cruise ship, we had breakfast every morning, and I knew I wanted to document some of the food we had on board the ship.


This day we ate outside, and I was looking at the light and chose to take a picture of my breakfast sandwich. Why? Because I wanted to. I can’t remember what camera I used, my iPhone or my Canon. I looked at different angles, and this was the one I wanted. I used my white napkin to add some more light to the subject. I have done a few jobs with food and find it fun to take pictures of. Plus, it tells the story of our cruise.

Food Photography

While I find my photography within me, I continue to lean toward commercials. I would include food photography also in my portfolio. I have taken an interest and continue to learn this segment. The below picture I took while at an event in Ohio. I wanted to tell the whole story of that evening, and that also included the appetizers that were offered that evening. Using natural light and having it backlight, I began taking a few pictures from different angles, and in this case, I liked the above shot. Next was to find the right crop, and this is what I picked for cropping. I enjoy doing macro photography and enjoying shooting food.

In contrast, I am not a food preparation or artist. I am learning from others what is important and not. You can always learn if you care and then take what you learn and practice. Not once, but multiple times.

Food at the Winds in Montpelier,Ohio. ISO 800 F8 180

Iphone again

While attending a wedding as a participant and not the photographer. I could not help myself with my iPhone. I saw this gift and said to myself, I like that I need a picture and maybe use it sometimes. So I went around the gift and wanted to take the picture backlit.

Fun with the iPhone

When I got home, I transferred the picture to Lightroom and made some adjustments. Next went through some stock photos of a beach and came up with what you see.

I guess I am saying that the iPhone is a camera and can do things just like some of those thousands of dollars cameras. So don’t use the excuse I need an excellent camera. No, you need a camera to come up with great ideas. Have fun making art.