Portrait Photography

Business Headshot

Today more than ever, business headshots are so important. With many more people working from home and more and more jobs opening, it is essential to have a professional headshot. This was no exception to this person that means everything to me. You got it, my wife Lisa. For the first time since I have been taking pictures, she finally let me take a picture that we would keep. Lisa wanted an updated headshot, so with that said, I set up my lights for what I like doing headshots. This time I used a 3 three light setup. In less than 5 minutes, we had what I wanted and done.

Headshot of Lisa

After the pictures were taken I had Lisa picked her favorites by using Lightroom. Next was just sharpen her eyes and hair and that would be it. But I did not stop there. I use a gray background for my headshots because I think it looks nice but also it easy to take in Photoshop and change it to any color or background of choice. That is what I did here.

Believe it or not, a happy wife with a picture that she can now use on her social media. Now on to the next Headshot.

Senior High School Pictures

Well, it's soon going to be that time of the year again. Congratulations to all of this year's graduates. We wish you well in your adventures.

High School Senior

I had so much fun with this High School Senior, for I have done pictures before in the Bryan Arts and Education Center, but never a High School Senior picture. Well, that is what we did with this shoot. We started with what she likes, and that is music. With that said, we did some formal pictures. My photography is a little different than others; I like drama and make it look natural.

We started you got it on the stage. I did not like what I saw, so I did what I liked. Make a studio anywhere. This is where I use only flash to get what I want. I get rid of all of the ambient light. This setup for me, I can do just about anywhere. Aquilina is a teenager, and like any teenager, it was time for some fun.

This time I took advantage of the art center. I did somewhat I call normal pictures, but you got it, I wanted flash again and this time using some gels to spice things up a little. We then walked around the inside of the building and found another area that I thought would work

Who would thought you could get a picture like this on bleachers. One thing working with Aquilina, she could be a natural model. She would do different things with her poses, and I would shoot what I liked. Again, I like doing natural. I will give a little coaching and then let them do it. I feel it makes the picture connect more.

Today I notice that there are fewer Senior Pictures but more photographers. With all of the photographers out there, I wanted to be different. Yes, I enjoy the outdoor pictures, and I love the natural light, but I also really enjoy the ones you don't see every day. Now that things are getting back to somewhat normal, I am looking forward to the class of 2023. If you are interested, go to www.pjzphotography.com for information.

I look forward to working with you.

Cartoon Fun

I watch a lot of different photography educations on the web. For example, one from Kelbyone was doing action figures with a background. When I watch these episodes, I list things that I want to do sometime. This was one of them that I wanted to do.

Stress Doll

I had this stress doll sitting on my shelf and decided to use my model. So I set up the doll using my living room and went with two lights. One is my key light to light him, and the second is with a blue gel to give a hint of blue in the shadow. The picture was taken, now the background. This I went on a stock photo site, and I knew I wanted a city. I found this nighttime picture of a town, and that was my composite.

This was a found project; in fact, I bought a toy for myself. I want to do this again. Maybe a beach photo with a toy. Not sure yet, but thinking about what I want to do with it. Now onto the next “I always wanted to do it shot”

Environmental Portrait

I have done a lot of different things when it comes to photography. The experts say you should focus on what you like. So what happens if you like everything? One area that I do enjoy is the Commercial side of photography. I like the challenges and have many years of experience printing. It fit’s me. I have an eye for what I am looking at.

Dr. John Elchinger at NorthWest Ohio Vision Center

I received a call from NorthWest Ohio Vision Center Marketing people and asked if I could do a headshot of one of their new Doctors. So, of course, I said yes, when and where? Next, I received an email asking if I could do an environmental picture instead of just a headshot.

I arrive at the client and begin to do the setup. In this case, I needed two lights—the environmental and a flash. Environmental was set up first. I wrote down my settings and then set up a flash. Yes, I am one of the strange ones; I still use a light meter. I like a light meter because I know it will be right when coming to shooting. Setup was made and time for the Doctor.

Thank you, NorthWest Ohio Vision Center; you now have helped me twice. Yes, I said twice; I went to see them about 4 years ago with one of my eye going blind. Dr. Tara knew what to do, and because of her and the resources, I have about 90% of my vision back in my eye. So make sure you see your eye doctor or get one if you like your eyes. You will not regret it.