Portrait Photography

The Dermatology Group Parkview Health

My first blog of 2022. I have been blessed in my photography career to do work for the health community. This one was a special one for me. My assignment was to do individual headshots of this group and then a group photo for an advertisement ad on a BillBoard. Driving this Holiday season, we have about 4-5 Bill Boards on the highway. I noted that pictures that I have taken were on 3 of them, including this one.

Let me tell you; this group was so friendly and so much fun to be with that I felt at home. After the job was completed, I thought I would ask a question that I knew they could answer. That is, I have this thing growing above my lip that is not cosmetic pretty. Can I get this removed? She left and grabbed a magnifying glass, and said that you have Skin Cancer. The good news is that you have the good kind but need to be removed. Remember, I only ask for information. It was their time to play photographer and take a picture of it with that. With that, off it went to what was my Plastic Surgeon. In a few day’s I had my appointment to have this growth removed. This group did far more than I could expect. They were all great, but I want to give a special thank you to Hallie. This great woman did so much for a perfect stranger that most likely would not have gone through this if not for her. One thing that I noted threw this whole process was the team and how a team that likes what they do is not just a team, but a great team.

The procedure was done, and before I could even say thank you. They came in and had my appointment made for a complete skin checkup. They must have known that I would have waited. (LOL)

I am looking so forward to 2022. I have a list of things that I want to accomplish for my photography and videography. Yes, videography. More on this later, but I have been having fun learning all aspects of this.

2022 is upon us. The question is, what are you going to do with it? One last note, If you have some abnormal growth or mold on your skin. Get it checked out. You never know. Thank you, Parkview Health.

High School Senior Session in Bryan, Ohio

Another fall and another Senior High School Session. Senior sessions are a lot different than my days. Not as many anymore and mostly our door. Not as many may be that everyone today is a photographer.

For me, I like doing environmental pictures. We lucked out this day because the weather was warm, and we did have a light breeze to deal with. Our goal was this senior wanted nothing to do with Bryan sights but wanted to deal with something different and towards the glamour side. With this in mind, we went out and started shooting. I used at times flash and, at times, just sunlight to my advantage. She did want a studio-type picture, and we took a close doorway for that.

This day was fun, and I came up with some good ideas with posing and locations. All pictures were done in less than a 100-yard area. As I said numerous times, first for me is the light, then do I need to make light? Next, make the picture that I am thinking. Environmental is fun and challenging with the elements. But it fits my style. I am a photojournalist and like natural-looking photos. I am not a person who likes the so-called Instagram looks. I feel my style is good today and will be for years to come. Thanks, Katie, for your trust in me, and hopefully, we accomplish what you were looking for.

High School Seniors

You can tell when fall is coming. Yes, the locus is one way, but I am talking High School Senior picture time. Last week I got the chance to do part 1 of Katie’s pictures. It was hot and humid. The mosquitos were out. But with all that, we manage through.

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We arrived about 40 minutes before what photographers call prime time with the light or what is known as Golden Hour. For me, it does not matter because I can make golden hour just about anytime by using flash. This is what I did with the above picture. I used the sun as a backlight and a flash with a 1/4 CTO gel.

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Finally, the magic hour came, and time to switch out for flash to a reflector. Again taking advantage of the sun as a backlight, but now I need to light up the face to bring out those beautiful eyes.

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Just about the time, we were ready to leave, and it was getting dark outside, time for a quick picture with flash, and for the softness that I like, I shot it through a diffusion sheet. (Wind and a quick setup) That was a wrap for this session.

I am looking forward to the next where we will be doing more formal type studio shots.

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Warming up time for Backyard Photography

Finally, in Ohio, the weather is starting to warm up. I decided to go in the backyard and talk pictures of birds. I wanted something interesting and different. Using my 100-400 at 400, I got what I wanted. Well somewhat. I wanted a flying moment, and that will be my next goal.

Backyard bird.jpg

For me, light is the first thing, and my goal will be based on that. This little guy(maybe gal) posed for me for about a second. A second is all that I needed.

I am so glad spring is coming. I enjoy nature and look forward to taking pictures of nature. The nice thing is getting outside.

Chicago, Light and a bottle of Water

Back in Chicago to play with light at night time. I walked around the city of Chicago with our model and found this excellent light opportunity.

Playing with Light in Chicago. Behind the scene

Playing with Light in Chicago. Behind the scene

After looking at the situation, we took our model and placed her about 25 yards from the sign. When I set up for the light of the scene, I noticed the low light on her face. With the help of the Icelight, I was able to take care of that.

Final of our model and Chicago

Final of our model and Chicago

Never let a good thing go to waste. We took advantage of bottled water and pouring it on the ground to make a reflection. I find this amazing, something to think about when you are out there.



So there you have it: a city, light, and a bottle of water. You never know what you may come up with.