
Portrait of a Pet

Taking portraits of pets can be difficult at times. with portraits of humans, we can get them to look and do what we want. But with a pet, they have a mind of their own.

Archie was no diffrent. I was using my iPhone to take candid pictures using a huge window, and soft light coming threw. I took a few pictures and came up with what I liked. Next was to cut out Archie in Photoshop and give him a studio look. I don’t know, but I think the owner will be happy. I know I was happy with it. Most of us have a camera all ready; just look at where the light is going and use it with whatever camera you have. For me, this was my iPhone today. Happy shooting.

Real Estate

Photography is everywhere; you never know what you will be called in for. As you know, I recently changed my photography to Freelance Photography and loved the challenges new and old clients have given me. In this case, I was asked if I could take some photos of a couple's home, who was not looking at selling but to be able to rent it out.

I started, in this case, upstairs and worked my way down. Most of these were taken with my 14mm-35mm lens, all done on Tripod. My goal was to show the client what I saw, including all of the trees on this property. You can see that through the windows. Then, to make the place feel like home, I turned on all the lights and did what I was hired for. Make photos of their home. We ended with about 40 pictures to put what they wanted on the website.

I don't know if they have found a renter yet. But based on this lovely place. I don't think it will take them long.