Life has so many challenges. I have been a little absent because of another difficulty. (trust me we have had our share the past 6 months) I have never felt so low as I did last week. Touching my camera last week change my outlook of life. Photography to me is so much more than just clicking a shutter button.
A photograph is about sharing your thoughts in a picture. Creating art that you have in your mind. 2 weeks ago, I got the chance to work with some models down in Cincinnati, Ohio at the Tri-State Warbird Museum. Working with models and the day’s of yesterday was right up my alley. You see, the pictures were what I was thinking. With a new year, I had goals. One was to be more creative, and the other was working with posing. I got to work on both a few weeks ago.
Living the 1940’s
The model is Sarah, very talented. I had a chance to work with her a few months ago in another shoot. Sarah got into a pose; I made a few changes that I had in mind mine and click.
I do use Photoshop. Some feel this is cheating, but for me, it helps with what I was thinking. In this case, I did not like what was behind Sarah, so I blurred it in Photoshop. A little sharpening and desaturate the color and that was it. I don’t use photoshop to make a bad picture better. This is just about impossible. I am so glad that photography is a part of my life. When I have a camera in my hand, well I am in a different world. It’s not about money, its about creating dreams or a story that I have in my mind thus creating the story that my client or subject was looking for.
Here is to more story’s or dreams. Looking forward in sharing as a I grow.