
Vacation Time is Over

Once again, it's been some time since I posted. I took some vacation and have been busy with jobs I can't post yet. Lisa and I had a great time on vacation. We started in Coco Beach, the Hilton on the Atlantic side. It's been some time since we stayed on the Atlantic side of Florida. We headed off to the beach, and the surf was great for the surfers. I had to bring my camera down.

I headed down and used my 100-400 with a 2x adapter. I believe I was in shutter priority at 2000 and ISO in auto. I like this mode when things are bright and I want to stop motion. (like birds flying) I had fun that day. Next found out that they were going to have a rocket launch. They tried three times, but it was not my day; it did not happen. While on the beach, I played around with airplanes and, of course, the seagulls. Next was getting ready for the Cruise ship.

Anhinga Snake

Ever since I was in 3rd grade, I had a love for birds. I don't know why, but I always had a thing for birds. Now a few years later, I still enjoy birds but now with a camera. While vacationing down in Florida, I enjoyed this bird. Not knowing much about it, I used famous google to understand it. It's called Anhinga Snake because it swims like a water snake when it's in the water looking for food.

Anhinga Snake

Anhinga Snake

Life of a Pelican

Vacation time for a photographer means time to shoot different things. While down in Sanibel, I decided to spend time videoing Pelicans and put the story together. After about 8-10 hours every day for 5 days, watching out and learning from these birds. I had the info I wanted for this documentary. Here is my story of the Pelican. I like to do something with Dolphins. Saw them, but only the fin. Maybe next vacation.