One thing that I love is food. While traveling, I have had many opportunities to go to restaurants and see stunning food presentations. I would share one of those pictures today because, for the past three weeks, I have probably had what 50% of you have been fighting the flu in the USA. Back in the day, there was nothing better than Chicken Noodle Soap.
Food Photography Chicken Noodle Soap
The day I took this picture, my lovely bride and I were on vacation up in Michigan and having lunch. They seated us in an area where the light was coming down and from the side of us. Most food photography that I have seen is backlighted. I reposition myself so that this soup was backlighted and took the picture. Crazy things we do as a photographer. My wife has become custom to my craziness of taking pictures at the strangest time. For me, I see the light, and then I see the picture in my head. On the good side, I think I am just about done with this flu. Well, I least, I hope. For those of you that have it, get well. Mom was always right, Nothing like Chicken Noodle Soap.